Category Archives: Cambodia

Meric’s Khmer Tasting Menu: A Unique, Delightful and Esoteric Culinary Experience

While Siem Reap is best known for the iconic and legendary Angkor Wat temples, it also happens to be an epicenter for one of the most flavorful and distinct cuisines of southeast Asia, Khmer cooking. Although street food may be the most effective way to truly experience local flavors while abroad, Meric offers an auspicious alternative to experiencing authentic Khmer cuisine in a more upscale and decadent setting. In addition to an elegant and aesthetically impressive setting, located in the uber-posh, Hotel de la Paix, Meric is led by American born chef, Bryan Gardner, who boasts a favorable resume and profound passion for culinary excellence. Meric is unique for serving exceptional international dishes, based on French, American and Asian influence as well as a distinctly Khmer menu, that incorporates and takes advantage of the local produce and flavors of Cambodia. While international dishes, served a la carte, deserve praise, the seven course Khmer Tasting Menu justifies a visit to Meric.

Among the seven courses featured on the Khmer Tasting Menu an eclectic assortment of unique and esoteric dishes, including Snake and Frog were served. Meric served the seven courses by pairing two dishes three separate times prior to serving the assorted dessert.

The first pair served was the Crispy Pork Fritter and Sweet Corn Salad and Green Mango and Dried Snake Salad. Although subtle, the Crispy Pork Fritters added a unique and flavorful texture to the Sweet Corn.  On the other hand, the Green Mango and Dried Snake Salad embodied an entirely different flavor and texture as compared to the Pork Fritter Sweet Corn Salad. The Snake Salad, which was slightly crunchy, was complimented by the zesty mango flavor. Despite the fruit, the salad possessed a distinct odor, that smelled exactly what one would imagine snake to smell like. Overall, while the Snake was not my favorite, the chef deserves praise for the dish’s presentation and overall execution.

Following the Mango Snake Salad and Crispy Pork Fritters and Sweet Corn Salad the next procession of dishes were served. The second pair of dishes served were Grilled Beef Skewer and Chicken along with Mushroom Soup. The Grilled Beef Skewer, which was served with Khmer Papaya Pickle, was excellent: combining a sweet tender cut of beef complimented by a flavorful and zesty side of Papaya Pickle. The Chicken and Mushroom Soup featured a succulent and divine vegetable based broth.

The final pairing featured on the Khmer Tasting Menu, Stir Fried Frog Leg and Grouper Head Fish, was not only the most inventive but also superlative dishes on the menu. The Stir Fried Frog Legs, which was served with Khmer Kruoeng and Peanut was a truly masterful and exceptionally distinctive dish. The Legs were crispy and incredibly flavorful. Frog, which tastes akin to poultry, was one of the most divinely crafted dishes that took full advantage of the Khmer produce and style of cooking. Although not as memorable, the Grouper Head Fish was served with a Winter Melon in a Holy Basil Sour Soup. Nevertheless, the Grouper Head Fish was a nice complimentary dish to the Frog.

After three pairs of delicious and delectable Khmer inspired courses, dessert was served. Analogous to the impressive integration of local produce that exemplified the culinary distinctive Cambodian setting, Meric dessert tasting was truly sumptuous and awe-inspiring mix of Khmer Sweets. In addition to Plum Sugar Cane and equally delicious Sponge Cake, the Almond Shake was phenomenal.

If Meric’s Khmer Tasting Menu proved anything, it certainly validated the contention that Khmer cooking is among the best of the Southeast Asian cuisines. While Vietnamese and Thai receive a significant degree of attention and accolades from foodies and culinary enthusiasts, Khmer cooking deserves recognition on a much wider scope. In addition, Meric’s perfectly executed menu and flawless presentation justify a visit to the noteworthy restaurant equivocal to visiting Angkor Wat on any visit to Siem Reap.


Hotel De La Paix,

Sivutha Blvd,

Siem Reap, Cambodia,

P: + 855 63 966 000